Your Next Attempt Is Your Best Attempt.

Plans That Raise Part 2 Boards Scores By An Average Of 200+ Points.

Part 2 Only



$167/mo for 12 months

LTE TMOD. Get the support you need from a community who are all focused on the same goal. Proven to increase Part 2 scores.

24 Hrs Of Community Coaching

Close each week with expert live review covering the most critical aspects on P2.

LTE App Access

Access to learning materials and access all your live events.

24hrs Community Live in All Subjects

Access to KMK Coaching Community App

On-Demand Coaching Sessions

Support from Success Coaches

Learning Science Proven to Maximize Effort

Includes BoardsTwo

Max Protection

If you are unsuccessful on boards, you have benefits. You will not pay full price to access your KMK Part 2 course or coaching on the next NBEO® administration of the exam.

Terms & Conditions >

$167/mo for 12 months

Or Pay One-Time $2,000

Part 2 Only



$292/mo for 12 months
Heavy TMOD.  Everything included with Community, plus the TMOD Booster. Unlock more live. Proven to give big increases on Part 2.

44 Hrs Of Advanced Coaching

The perfect mix of live review plus weekly review in TMOD.

Plus App Accesss

Access to your P2 community plus a dedicated space for your TMOD Booster course, all in one app.

24hrs Community Live in All Subjects

20hrs Adv. Live in TMOD Booster

Access to KMK Coaching Community App

On-Demand Coaching Sessions

Support from Success Coaches

Learning Science Proven to Maximize Effort

Includes BoardsTwo

Max Protection

If you are unsuccessful on boards, you have benefits. You will not pay full price to access your KMK Part 1 course or coaching on the next NBEO® administration of the exam.

Terms & Conditions >

$292/mo for 12 months

Or Pay One-Time $3,500